Many students after finishing their high school got caught in the dilemma of which is the better path to take their higher education ahead. Here are some tips and insight we can share with you before proceeding before your intake.
1. What Is The Difference between Foundation and Diploma?
Foundation: Foundation is a 1 year program before proceeding into a degree. Usually there would be 1 or 2 foundation programme in a faculty that can lead into a degree program that you are interested offered by the faculty. If you are interested in the faculty field but unsure of which degree to take, foundation program is the best path to choose.
Diploma: Diploma usually runs between 2 until 3 years program. Some universities would allow students to skip the first year of degree program with the hold of the diploma in the same course usually from the same higher institution.
2. Entry Requirements
In Malaysia, most student will have the chance of applying into the related courses judging from their SPM results or equivalent exams such as O levels.
Foundation : 4-5 credits (C and above) depending on courses and institution. Certain subjects requires A to apply for the course.
Diploma: Minimum 3 credits (C and above)
3. Getting Ready To Go Higher
Foundation: foundation is a good path to start before you make up your mind onto which Degree. The 1 year experience in the university would help in making more suitable decision to the student’s preference from their observation.
Diploma: Usually student who are already sure of which course they would love to take would pick up diploma as the Degree options are limited to the fields that are related to your Diploma.
4. Skills and Knowledge In the Course
Both has a similar start but it gets much different after the first semester especially with the time of completion between both.
Foundation: More of theoretical knowledge to prepare students for relevant field in the Degree that the same faculty offers. It teaches most of the basic before going for degree that has specific modules to the course.
Diploma: Starts with basic knowledge then focus on industrial knowledge and practical skills with relevant work life environment on later semesters. It prepares student to be more ready to start on their career.
5. Completion and Applying for a Job
Foundation: Foundation works more as a pre-university certificate and it is not eligible as a requirement to start working upon completion but it does give more flexible time and wider options of Degree to pick later. Degree holders have higher employment rate as the modules are more prepared for higher roles without working experience though this would take 4-5 years before taking your first job.
Diploma: Upon graduation, students may apply for work directly. If you’re interested in plunging into the work-life sooner, Diploma is a good choice to pick especially you are certain of your preference within 2 – 3 years of duration of studying.
6. Scholarships and Loans
Each institute from public to private offers different waivers, scholars and loan options. Higher chances of scholarship can be attain if the students have good academic and co-curricular results in school for both public and private universities,
Foundation: It is less likely for students to apply PTPTN loan for a foundation but many private institutes give waivers for the Degree pre-choice for students who achieved excellent results in their SPM
Diploma: It is easier to apply for a PTPTN loan for diploma courses. On top of that, students who are having financial constraint may apply for UPU to public universities based on their results.

We hope the points above helps you on deciding which would be a better path for you in the future. Good luck and never give up!